The three of us, that is, all of AVA, taken at the Santuari de Nostra Senyora dels Angels in the hills outside of Girona, Spain, last week. We all enjoy cycling, and the gravel and dirt roads in Catalonia offer to us ample bandwidth to recharge our batteries, which include:
As we explore the areas outside of Girona, architecture is always on our minds. What we find most compelling are the vernacular buildings. Our rides would be a lot shorter if we didn’t stop to take photos of these buildings, which we do all the time.
If you look closely at the white gable facade above, you will see that the door, and the circular window above the door, are centered on the gable. However, we have found this centeredness to be uncommon. The photo below is a more typical example, in which the door, the religious niche and the round window are not centered on the gable. While this off centeredness is pretty much unthinkable in Upstate New York (can you imagine what historical review boards would say if we presented a gable elevation with off centered windows??…the horror!!!), it’s all cool here.