Previously Published 10 June 14 –

This page has occasionally focused on the farm building decay that we observe here in Otsego County. We were saddened and yet not surprised to see this gothic arch barn fail. We continually noted the increasing sag in the roof over the past 15 or so years. It is amazing that even when they fall down, there is a soft organic quality to the gothic arch barns. Looks like a crashed airship.


Previously Published 18 February 14

More about industrial landscapes. Sometimes the most incredible things are right in our own backyard. While driving thru Rome, NY yesterday we were stopped in our tracks by the Rome Cable factory. The late afternoon light reflecting off of the bright tower panels was stunning.


Previously Published 19 November 13

On a recent trip to Ireland, we spent an inordinate time looking at, what else, barns. A typical barn employs arched and shed roof forms which are combined in different ways. The interplay of the forms made each one more interesting than the next. And, as you might expect, the curved roof integrated them with the landscape.


Previously Published 26 July 13

When you see magazine photographs of a building, the feelings and impressions you get never match the understanding when you see the building in real life. This was certainly true during our recent unplanned encounter with a Stephen Holl residence. During a bicycle sojourn in the Lake Champlain area, we came upon the Nail Collector’s House during a ferry ride into Essex. This is a small tower like residence clad in brass plates that we have been reasonably fond of for years as it has been published extensively. Shameless architectural sleuths that we are, after we confirmed that nobody was home, we were able to walk around it and look in the windows. Despite all of the publication hoopla and accolades, we were underwhelmed standing there looking at it. For one thing, the piece was glaringly ignorant of the site. Granted, there is interior spacial complexity which we could only peek at thru the windows so we did not get the full experience. Kurt recorded his impressions on a drawing the next morning. So maybe the building hit deeper than we at first realized or care to admit.


Previously Published 10 July 13

Everyone wants to be an architect. During the past few years, the following people with an association to our projects have gone to either architectural or design school; two contractor’s daughters, one client’s spouse, and now one contractor. Whether this is some sort of new societal trend or if it is a phenomenon localized around our practice is difficult to say. We get many comments from clients and contractors that our job must be fun, which it is. Maybe what we really do is help people get in touch with their inner architect.


Previously Published 12 October 12

Buildings are free. They are free to see, that is, once they get built. Whatever the art form, be it drawings, paintings, music, sculpture, etc, you generally have to pay to see / experience it. But you typically don’t have to pay anything to see a building and get a cultural thrill. Speaking of thrills, we recently visited the Morgan Library with the Renzo Piano addition. This visit to the Library, which was probably our third, confirmed that this building is one of our absolute favorites; the scale, light and details are all simple and elegant. We also enjoyed seeing at The Morgan the original Robert Wilson sketches for Einstein on the Beach; alas, we had to pay to see those.


Previously Published 21 August 12

Craft is a word that has fallen out of common useage. This word was used recently by the most exacting contractor with whom we have had the pleasure to work. His observation is that all parties working on a project bring their respective crafts to the building process. And that it is this craft which sets the final level of quality of a construction project. With the increasing generalization of quality (“jack of all trades, master of none”), it was nice to be reminded of craft, and the significance of it in the building process.


Previously Published 4 April 12

Fifth year landscape architecture students from SUNY – Environmental School of Forestry in Syracuse conducted an excellent design charrette last week for Empire Brewery. The students provided brainstorming and analysis of land use factors that will impact the project. The great ideas discussed will help to knit the building into the landscape. The enthusiasm and energy the students bring to their work is first rate and they are fortunate to have the opportunity to work on real world projects. Altonview was happy to host the event.


Previously Published 17 April 11

Farmers are increasingly constructing fabric barns for their livestock. They really are very cool structures; translucent, open, airy. Some manufacturers even tout their system as moveable. Then it suddenly hit us, these fabric barns are incredibly similar to the Iroquois longhouse (pre European influence), which also used to dot our landscape. Both are or were arched, long and rectangular, lightweight, easily constructed, easily disposed and ultimately moveable. Has our regional architectural history come full circle?


Previousy Published 1 March 11

We are against lifting the fracking moratorium, until all New York counties have had the opportunity to strengthen their zoning laws. We want to see property values increase and we don’t see how industrial production sites distributed across the countryside helps with this valuation. It is ironic that our clients are required by zoning laws to construct silt fences during excavation to control surface runoff; meanwhile, their next door neighbors are allowed to lease their land to gas companies who will inject harmful chemicals into the actual groundwater, for which no zoning application is required. The resolution of this dilemma seems simple; apply the municipality’s zoning law to ALL proposed land uses, be it residential construction or gas drilling. For municipalities without zoning laws, the County Planning Board should review the proposed land use to ensure that SEQRA requirements are enforced.